

These APIs are experimental and are currently being worked on. Endpoints may change without warning. Consider the v3 API if you need stability. The only authentication method available at the moment is the internal one.


This endpoint allows you to subscribe the current user to the notification sent when a new listed version is submitted on a particular add-on.


Requires authentication and the current user to have any reviewer-related permission.

POST /api/v4/reviewers/addon/(int: addon_id)/subscribe/


This endpoint allows you to unsubscribe the current user to the notification sent when a new listed version is submitted on a particular add-on.


Requires authentication and the current user to have any reviewer-related permission.

POST /api/v4/reviewers/addon/(int: addon_id)/unsubscribe/


This endpoint allows you to disable the public listing for an add-on.


Requires authentication and the current user to have Reviews:Admin permission.

POST /api/v4/reviewers/addon/(int: addon_id)/disable/


This endpoint allows you to re-enable the public listing for an add-on. If the add-on can’t be public because it does not have public versions, it will instead be changed to awaiting review or incomplete depending on the status of its versions.


Requires authentication and the current user to have Reviews:Admin permission.

POST /api/v4/reviewers/addon/(int: addon_id)/enable/


This endpoint allows you to manipulate various reviewer-specific flags on an add-on.


Requires authentication and the current user to have Reviews:Admin permission.

PATCH /api/v4/reviewers/addon/(int: addon_id)/flags/
Response JSON Object:
  • auto_approval_disabled (boolean) – Boolean indicating whether auto approval are disabled on an add-on or not. When it’s true, new versions for this add-on will make it appear in the regular reviewer queues instead of being auto-approved.
  • pending_info_request (string|null) – Deadline date for the pending info request as a string, or null.
  • needs_admin_code_review (boolean) – Boolean indicating whether the add-on needs its code to be reviewed by an admin or not.
  • needs_admin_content_review (boolean) – Boolean indicating whether the add-on needs its content to be reviewed by an admin or not.
  • needs_sensitive_access_review (boolean) – Boolean indicating whether the add-on needs its content to be reviewed or not. This is related to the Addon.require_sensitive_data_access property.